Author Profile

Resume: Yuri Tricys »

Freelance Services: Yuri Tricys »

Hello Dear Readers!

My name is Yuri!

I’m a web technology consultant (I build websites 🙂). I also create design prototypes.

Recently, I wrote JavaScript modules for web development courses, available internationally in mainstream industrial upskilling programs.

I’ve been working on websites since 2014. I started with computers in 2000.

Have a look at a few videos and then read more about me below!

Introduction to Hugo

Watch this video if you’re considering a Hugo website [29 minutes][Smart Watch]

Hugo Themes - Eternity

Watch this video if you’re considering a Hugo website [19:28 minutes][Smart Watch]

More About Me

I’m an easy-going guy who works a lot. 🙂

I’m customer focused. When I’m working for you, you’re my boss, and I aim to please! 🙂

I live in a small apartment, with a small office.

I keep a lot of white boards around.

I like to write things down!

Here are a few photos of the office!

Happy to take your call or arrange a meeting. Just let me know!


Owning a Website

Okay back to business.

If you’ve read this far, you may be building a website or considering owning one.

Maybe you’ve gone to YouTube and searched ‘how to build a website?’

That’s not a bad idea, but I do advise keeping your eye on the clock.

You can just jump in and get started building a website, and you might come up with something that looks pretty good in a month or two, but over the long-run, web development is a complicated venture full of pitfalls and rabbit holes.

It’s a wide field with many technologies.

Lost money and time! 😆!

Okay, so what’s the solution?

Hire a developer!

And now you’re paying someone to solve your problem (if you’re in business, you need a website) and you’ve no idea what they are doing?

Since it takes many years to master a technology, many people who’ve made it through two years will tell you to use their technology.

Well, it’s not possible for anyone to know every technology, and that’s where it helps to get a bird’s eye view.

That’s one of our goals here at Build Hello.

To explain web technologies in simple terminology so you can move forward with your business, confident you’ve made informed decisions, and you’re getting the best value for your dollar, given what you want out of your website.

Moreover, my goal as a founding member of Build Hello is to at least make the process of putting a website in place for your business MORE FUN! 😊

How do we make web development more fun?

With our website reviews!

We search the web far and wide to find interesting websites, and we review them!

Our reviews are short and sweet!

They give you the opportunity to see what other people are doing and think about what you want for your website.

Okay, but what technology are you promoting?

Yes, it’s true, while our goal is to provide a birds eye view, as a developer I also work with specific technologies.

I work with Hugo, a popular static website generator created by former (and current) Google engineers, and WordPress, the technology you are probably already looking into for your website build.

Have a look at these websites that were also built with Hugo!


Watch the following videos for HUGO theme optimization (yes, we know what we are doing!)

Hugo Themes - Up-Business Installation

Watch this video if you want to ‘get’ HUGO under-the-hood! [26 minutes]

Hugo Themes - Up-Business Optimization 1

Watch this video if you want to see how Hugo themes can be optimized! [21:54 minutes]

Hugo Themes - Up-Business Optimization 2

Watch this video if you want to see how Hugo themes can be optimized! [12:49 minutes]

Hugo Themes - Up-Business Optimization 3

Watch this video if you want to see how Hugo themes can be optimized! [19:58 minutes]

That’s it for the complicated stuff!

Give us a call, drop a note in our form, or throw over an e-mail.

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible, and answer as many of your questions as we can, totally free of charge!